How To Build A Self Watering Rain Gutter System To Grow Vegetables

Have you ever seen a self watering rain gutter system? Well it’s pretty self explanatory in that it allows you to grow vegetables in gutters using rain to water the plants without you having to do any watering yourself. Pretty

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How To Clean A Trout

There may come a time, whether it be in a survival shtf situation, or just because you’re out camping or whatever, where the only source of food you’ll have available to you is trout. Now assuming you know how to

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BUSHCRAFT: How and Why to Make a Knife Spear in a Survival Situation (Step-by-Step)

In most scenarios a knife is the single most important tool you can have in a wilderness environment. In the hands of a skilled practitioner it yields shelter, water, fire, food and many other vital elements that keep you alive.

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How To Make A Homemade Berkey Water Filter

If you’ve been at this survivalist stuff for any amount of time, you’ve probably know that the berkey water filtration system is among the best, if not THE best water filter available on the market. The problem is, they cost

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5 Herbs That Repel Flies

With warm weather in the air, we are all looking forward to grilling out, swimming pools, sun bathing, and just generally spending time outdoors. We’ve waited all winter for spring to get here. But those first few really warm days

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How To Drive Your Own Fresh Water Well

Before the industrial era made pumps and pipes common hardware items, wells were created by simply digging a narrow hole down to the water table, then drawing the water that seeped into its bottom upward in a bucket attached to

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3 Methods of Alternative Refrigeration

Having a way to refrigerate your food and “chill out” when the power goes out could be one thing to help ease the stress during a crisis. Here are three methods of alternative refrigeration you can use without electricity. Your

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A Very “Green” Greenhouse Made Of Soda Bottles

It’s one thing to want to build your own greenhouse to grow vegetables, but it’s a totally different thing to want to do it and build a greenhouse out of empty soda bottles. Well, it’s been done and it works

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How To Make A Buddy Burner

Just came across this cool DIY showing how to make tin cans into long-burning stove fuel for campouts and/or emergency heat. They’re known as buddy burners and it’s a great way to re-purpose and good way to show off your

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How To Make A Primitive Fishing Spear

Some people say the ultimate goal of the survivalist is NOT to build an arsenal of high tech gadgetry that will allow him/her to “survive” in the wilderness. Rather, the intention is to develop certain skills to have the ultimate

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