30 Must Have Kitchen Items For Any Prepper
If the power grid ever does go down for a long period of time you’re going to have to learn how to use your kitchen the same way your grandmother, or great-grandmother did. I just came across a great list
If the power grid ever does go down for a long period of time you’re going to have to learn how to use your kitchen the same way your grandmother, or great-grandmother did. I just came across a great list
Properly composted food scraps can be turned into an excellent fertilizer for gardens. However, composting food scraps in an open pile can attract some unwanted urban pests – rats, mice, raccoons and who-knows-what. One of the simplest ways to compost
Cattails can be found virtually anywhere in the wilderness where there is a water source. They can be found growing along streams, rivers, lakes and ponds. The plant is not only edible it has other uses such as cordage, bedding,
Root cellars make use of the consistent temperature and humidity present just a few feet beneath the soil. Most cold weather vegetables thrive in these conditions, thus allowing them not only to be stored throughout the winter, but remain alive,
A couple of weeks ago, the owner of MyPatriotSupply.com got an alarming email from FEMA. It was a strange request in the manner in how the request was made, but what was even more scary was what they wanted, how
The idea of selecting plants for insect control is not a new one – and is part of the overall subject of companion planting. Companion planting has actually been in use since ancient times; for example the mosquito fern has been planted
Have you ever heard of vermicomposting? It’s the process of using worms to create compost. The reason why people love it so much is that it’s tidy and clean and does not take up a lot of space. It’s perfect
Did you know you can eat common milkweed? Well you can. And although it’s been said that to render this plant palatable and that it required multiple (three or more) boilings in order to remove the toxins and “bitter” taste,
The bow and arrow are effective hunting tools, because they increase the distance between you and your prey, bettering your chances of catching an animal. When in a survival situation, the ability to make a survival bow and arrows quickly
Bugs may not seem like the ideal meal for you, but eating insects is a common practice in Asian and African countries and even in Australia. And while you may find it gross to cook bugs and eat them, people