Never Buy Eggs Again: Build a Chicken Coop

Substitute eggs, pre-whipped and “egg whites only” are everything except straight from the farm poultry eggs. Do you want to cut out the middle man between you and your breakfast? Did you know there are actual health benefits to organic, pasture raised eggs vs. store bought? If you can head down to the store to buy eggs that’s been shipped in from a random factory, you might be surprised at just how easy it is to produce them on your own. Continue reading below to learn how you can save cash each year by visiting your own backyard.

The Cost Of Eggs
The cheapest eggs you’ll find can cost as little as 59 cents at a big-box store while organic are willing to sell for upwards of $7 Between 2016 and 2018, the average price of a dozen large eggs went from $1.32 and $2.08. It’s only dollars, right? Wrong.
If you’re purchasing a carton of eggs a week, in one year you’d spend nearly $364 for organic, antibiotic free eggs. Almost $800 a year if you’re a true egg connoisseur. Forget about it if you have a large family or restaurant that relies on lower quality eggs for the sake of keeping food costs low. far too often do we let quality fall by the waist for quantity. But how much quality are you actually getting from store bought eggs?
Store Bought Vs. Free Range
The yolk from a organic, free range eggs is richer in color and taste. Pasture raised shells are also thicker than that of eggs developed in a factory. Formaldehyde, a known toxic chemical, is used on factory eggs to fumigate due to it being a cheap way to minimize bacteria. Less bacteria is obviously a plus but not when its covered in a chemical equally as damaging. Chicken have a natural protection for their eggs that makes it difficult for bacteria to penetrate the shell, the moment we over sanitize the egg we’re making it more susceptible to disease during transport.
Pesticides are also a major concern for store bought eggs. Organochlorine pesticide residue in chicken eggs poses serious health risks that extends to the poultry meat as well. Carcinogens, hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, developmental and reproductive toxins have also been found on a variety of store bought eggs from major suppliers. Toxins that directly impact honeybees is also an unfortunate biproduct of the chemicals used on eggs through cross contamination. But what are the actual health benefits of raising your own eggs?

Ready to build your own chicken coop yet?
Building a Chicken Coop Solo
If the answer is yes, find out just what it takes to raise your own farm fresh eggs.
You do not need to buy an expensive, premade coop to start your own farm to table experience. It doesn’t take a degree or even a contractor to get there either. What you’ll need are two hands, sweat and a clear idea of what type of coop you want to create. Here are some coop ideas that became instant within the prepper community:

This small but extremely effective coop provides less maintenance and a decent amount of room for comfortability and maximum portability.

A simple plan with a range is a step up from the smaller ones, usually fitting two feeders, increasing the functionality of your chickens’ environment.

This design keeps ventilation in mind and has easy access points. This coop is optimal for those who have ten or more chickens. Perfect for farms and large open areas.

This coop features a suspended upper house with a full range below, a ramp for easy entrance to the upper level. Portability can be added by putting it on wheels.
Are you looking to get started today? All of the above designs can be found at Simple, easy and they even have instructional videos to guide you through the process. Why keep spending money on eggs that have virtually no nutritional value and are feeding corporations that take pride in monopolizing the farming industry?
Create one of these coops and watch it thrive for generations. Visit to get your chicken coop plans and to have your own eggs in your backyard every morning, without having to make a trip to rely on the store again.
Here’s a short video on how to store your chicken eggs:
Visit: EZ Battery Reconditioning To Learn More here:
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